The Salida Vineyard Church is a local church nestled in the Upper Arkansas Valley in Salida, Colorado. We are associated with the national and international Vineyard movement.
Our Sunday morning services start at 10am, and we offer kids ministry for ages approximately 10 and under about every other week. We are located at 1201 E. Highway 50 in Salida, Colorado. Office days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
We livestream our Sunday services on our Youtube channel where you can also find previous livestreams and update videos.
Look around our website to get to know us better! You can also find our links for giving online and our social media accounts on Facebook and YouTube. For more about the national association of Vineyard churches, please visit:
We share the blessing of our beautiful building with another church body! Their weekly services are on Sunday evenings at 5:30pm. Salida Vineyard and Cornerstone are still two distinct church entities with separate services and leadership, just under one roof! For more questions, contact our staff or go to Cornerstone’s website:
To get in touch with us, email is best. Please contact for the latest information on events, to arrange a personal prayer session, and more. Office hours vary, requesting a meeting ahead of time is recommended. To sign up for updates (email & text) from us, send an email to our office account requesting to be added.

What to expect on a Sunday morning:
- You’ll be warmly greeted by a member of our Hospitality Team. We offer free coffee and tea so grab a cup!
- Currently, we offer a single classroom for any age of kid (best for ages 1-10ish) during our service. Kids are checked in by a volunteer to get a name tag and then taken downstairs by a parent/guardian to their classroom. 5th Sundays are Family Sundays where all ages participate in the main auditorium..
- The service lasts about 1 hour 15 minutes. It starts with about 20 minutes of worship with contemporary music. After announcements, there is a time of biblical preaching. The service usually ends a few more songs of worship, with a time of reflection or an opportunity to receive prayer. Once a month we take communion together.
- After the service ends, kids will be released back to parents/guardians who present the sticker that matches the name tag placed on the child.
The Salida Vineyard is fulfilling its mission by:
“Living the great adventure through lives changed by encounters with Jesus; led by the Holy Spirit to go out and love the world.”
We pray Jesus encounters you in a powerful way today and we look forward to meeting you!