Located at 1201 E. Hwy 50 in Salida, Colorado.
Sunday services: 9:30am.
Office hours are Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:30am-3:30pm, but can vary, such as in the summer and around holidays. Advance appointments are best. The office can be accessed through the back (south) double doors, then turn right and go up the stairs.
Email: office@salidavineyard.org. This is the best way to contact us, including for general inquiries, to get on our email list for event updates, to request prayer, and more.
Phone: 719-539-3359
Noticed a few changes around our building? We have partnered with another local church, Cornerstone, to share the blessing of our beautiful building! Cornerstone’s weekly services happen on Sunday evenings at 5:30pm. Salida Vineyard and Cornerstone are still two distinct church entities with separate services and events, just under one roof! For more questions, contact our staff or go to Cornerstone’s website: https://cornerstonechurchco.com/salida. Cornerstone’s office days are Mondays & Wednesdays.